Tras 15 Años De Consumo De Cocaína Así Late El Corazón De Este Hombre

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Según los médicos, un corazón continua latiendo por al menos 60 segundos después de ser extirpado del cuerpo, para poder demostrar lo que ocurre tras el consumo de cocaína los médicos de MEDspiration crearon este video.

Los abuso de esta droga en el corazón de un paciente que fue adicto durante 15 años se pueden observar claramente, no solo este órgano es tres veces más grande de su tamaño normal, además mantuvo actividad durante 25 minutos.

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Corazon de cocaina 1


El cardiólogo Klauss Witte aclara un dato interesante y fundamental sobre este caso:

“Primero que nada, no se equivoquen, ese corazón no está latiendo de una manera ordinaria con la que se sustenta la vida. Esas no son contracciones normales, son movimientos desesperados. La cocaína cambia los lípidos del cuerpo, hace que la sangre sea más pegajosa, hace que el corazón trabaje más fuerte y más rápido, cambia las hormonas. Esto conlleva a ataques, infartos y fallas en el corazón.”

HOW TO KEEP THE HEART YOUNG #MindBodySpirit The heart is not only an organ of consciousness, but also an organ of conscience (having the ability to differentiate between right & wrong). Laboratory experiments at HeartMath institute have shown that when individuals focus on their hearts & activate core heart feelings such as love, care & appreciation, this focus changes their heart’s rhythm immediately! When positive emotions such as happiness, compassion, care & gratitude are activated, there is increased production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the body, a hormone that fights aging in human beings. The heart reacts to self-inflicting thoughts such as envy, lying, anger, fear & hatred by reducing DHEA production & increasing the production of the stress hormone cortisol (this forces the body into a fight or flight state, causing a rise in blood pressure, heart rate & stress). When we learn to think of the heart as the mid-point between our body & soul, we are constantly reminded to clean the lens with which we perceive ourselves. Inherently, when we choose to mend this apparatus, we are able to find significance in purifying our emotional (in reference to choosing positive emotions over negative ones), physical (diet & exercise) & spiritual (praying &/or practicing yoga/meditation) axes. It is extremely interesting to fathom that our heart finds peace with truth & unease with falsehood, perhaps this is what gave rise to the saying: “follow your heart.” For more, click on the link in our bio & [SUBSCRIBE] to our YouTube channel. #MEDspiration Written by Student Doctor: @medspired ©07/06/2016 All Rights Reserved.  Inspired by: My mother’s heart (it’s her birthday today!) & Dr. Gohar Mushtaq. TAG SOMEONE WHO HAS A GREAT HEART! This research on ‘DHEA’ was published in the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM) (

Una foto publicada por MEDspiration® | 501(c)(3) NFP (@medspiration) el


El siguiente video es prueba de lo que los doctores han explicado. Contiene imágenes fuertes y no se consideran aptos para personas sensibles:


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