15 Fotografías Que Reflejan Lo Emocionante De Dar A Luz Un Hijo

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9 meses en el vientre de una mujer para luego salir de ese refugio y conocer el mundo en un momento que es emocionante tanto para los padres del recién nacido como para los familiares y amigos que esperan con ansias ese día en que verán por primera vez la carita de ese bebé.

Hoy las mujeres deciden como dar a luz, algunas lo hacen por parto natural, otras por cesárea y algunas incluso lo hacen en el agua y aunque el dolor a veces es mucho ver ese rostro pequeño lo cambia todo. Si eres madre o padre, estas pronto a serlo o lo añoras con ansias te mostramos estas bellas fotografías que te llegaran al corazón por su belleza y naturalidad.

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Las fotografías son de Leilani Rogers una fotógrafa y madre que inmortaliza estos momentos.


Falta poco…

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Cuando el dolor se acaba y la felicidad llega

This baby was just born into her mother's arms in the water. She is povercome with joy.

This baby was just born into her mother’s arms in the water. She is povercome with joy.


El regalo más esperado

Baby and mother enjoying a fresh floral bath with soothing herbs. You can also see the mother's fresh post partum belly in this picture.

Baby and mother enjoying a fresh floral bath with soothing herbs. You can also see the mother’s fresh post partum belly in this picture.


Apoyo incondicional

This father is praying that his baby will arrive safely.

This father is praying that his baby will arrive safely.


Ya ha nacido

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This new mother is receiving breastfeeding support from her midwife.

This new mother is receiving breastfeeding support from her midwife.


Nada se compara a tenerlo entre sus brazos

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Naciendo en el hogar

this baby was born on hands and knees at home

this baby was born on hands and knees at home


Cordón umbilical

close up of an umbilical cord still attached

close up of an umbilical cord still attached


Parto por cesárea

this baby was born by c-section

this baby was born by c-section


Parto en el agua

This baby was born quickly in a bathtub at home.

This baby was born quickly in a bathtub at home.


Mother meets her baby for the first time.

Mother meets her baby for the first time.


La hermana mayor e incondicional desde el nacimiento

the mother's daughter, age 7, wanted to be a part of the birth so she hopped into the birth pool with her mama!

the mother’s daughter, age 7, wanted to be a part of the birth so she hopped into the birth pool with her mama!


Aún en el saco amniótico

This baby was a twin born at home en caul

This baby was a twin born at home en caul


La calma

This baby gives the peace symbol just moments after birth.

This baby gives the peace symbol just moments after birth.

Comparte estas bellas imágenes que muestran la magia de dar a luz.

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